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Overall Course Reflection

If I were to recommend a course to all engineers to take, it would be ENG2003. When I first started this course, I expected the course to be easy, heavy on team collaboration, and time consuming. I also believed it would be similar to the first two engineering courses ENG1101 and ENG1102. While those two courses did teach me valuable fundamentals in principles and practices of engineering design and ethics, I felt as if these courses had little influence on my engineering career. On the other hand, ENG2003 completely surpassed my expectations. The course turned out to be a great influence on my engineering career by pushing me into the right direction with reflections, assignments, and communication. I enjoyed the aspect of communicating with peers during lecture and tutorial activities. The second lecture activity was great for reflecting on my dream job, its requirements, and the skills I possess and require. This was pivotal to reassess myself and my career and to gain perspective with other classmates by communicating about their dream jobs. The first assignment to write a cover letter for one of the attached job descriptions was essential to understand modern job applications and writing a professional and personalized letter demonstrating to the potential employer interest and relevant skills. The second assignment of doing an interview was also extremely useful career-wise by providing valuable insight in the interviewing process from common questions to evaluating demeanor which is a crucial aspect to landing jobs and will be useful for coop. The most interesting topic was the lectures about Persuasive Communication. I found it interesting how the topic connects to many aspects of life such as simple chatting with friends to corporate meetings. On top of that, it built upon the 7 C’s of axioms of communication and demonstrated real-life scenarios of the axioms and how to persuade effectively. For example, making friends and networking by introducing yourself and communicating your interests and skills, or even elevator pitches to describe ideas or products. These are all situations where you must apply persuasive communication by being audience-centered, build relations, maintain credibility and much more. It is a topic and skill that is easily overlooked by many people and extremely important in various situations in life. Overall, the course was enjoyable and taught valuable fundamentals for pursuing my career with reflective, communicationally interactive and educational coursework.

Personal Growth and Development

This course actively improved my communication skills by challenging them throughout the course and continues to encourage further improvement. With the teaching of the axioms of communication and the 7 C’s of communication during the course, I learned to communicate properly in both written and oral forms. I improved upon my written work by learning to be specific, eliminating wordiness and reducing ambiguous terms. By increasing clarity and conciseness in my communication, I learned to convey messages clearly and effectively without unnecessary jargon. This skill was most useful throughout drafting my technical report as it was crucial to write in plain language. As peers reviewed my technical report and provided constructive criticism, I learned to recognize different perspectives and address issues in my work to further improve quality. My group communication has improved along with the fourth assignment as I had to communicate effectively with my group members to promote the teamwork environment and distribute tasks. With the presentation of the assignment, I was challenged to communicate and persuade the audience in ways such as body language, facial expressions, demeanor and appearance. However, the interview assignment turned out to be the most challenging oral assessment due to the nature of improvisation and pressure while effectively maintaining composure and communicating persuasively. As this is an essential skill to possess, this is a skill that I definitely need to continue working on. Applying the content learned in this course is essential not only for my career but also for everyday life. For future courses, I will focus on clarity and precision in written assignments and reports. With gained experience from drafting the technical report, I will apply knowledge in structured writing and revision techniques to ensure thorough study and communication. In engineering practice, I will use skills such as persuasive communication and professional writing to convey ideas clearly and efficiently such as in email communication, projects and presentations, meetings, and much more.

Technical Report

The report addresses three main challenges articulated by Zittrain: the reduction of human autonomy due to AI, the potential for AI to enhance human reflection and decision-making, and the need for ethical evolution in AI systems. I selected the Technical Report because it demonstrates my ability to thoroughly convey complex technical information clearly and effectively. The report required research, precision, depth, and clarity, which are crucial skills in engineering communication. This piece highlights my overall growth in technical writing and shows that I have learned to develop ideas, clearly transmit correct information in the most concise form possible, and to apply peer feedback. Writing the Technical Report pushed me out of my comfort zone as I had to conduct thorough research in new topics and apply it to develop and express concise information to propose technical solutions. I believe this piece is one of my best works because it effectively integrates all the communication skills I have developed, such as clarity, conciseness, and audience awareness. However, I think there is room for improvement in expanding my ability to simplify highly technical content even further.

Brochure Handout

The brochure handout communicates the influence of AI on decision-making. One handout is for high-school students, and a second handout intended for experts in the software engineering field. I chose the brochure handout to demonstrate my ability to communicate information to various audiences and condense information into a visually appealing format. This piece highlights my growth in communication by challenging me to apply the 7 C’s by creating audience-centered presentations, one example being how focusing on Clarity to use simple and straight-forward language for the highschool audience, and domain-specific terminology for the expert audience. Designing a presentation that is both informative and visually appealing required a different set of skills than those used in writing a report, pushing me to think creatively about how to present information. While I am proud of the Brochure Handout, I do not consider it my best work. Looking back, I would avoid overwhelming the highschool audience with too much detail and consider their limited background knowledge.

Group Project Presentation

The project presents Maglev technology and its promising solution for efficient transit and discusses notable considerations. The Group Project Presentation is included in my showcase because it reflects my ability in persuasive communication and also ability to collaborate effectively and communicate ideas in a group setting. Development of the project presentation required teamwork, coordination, and clear communication to ensure a persuasive presentation result. This piece showcases that I have developed strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills and also my ability to work within a team. Presenting as a group required me to step out of my comfort zone, especially in terms of coordinating with others and speaking in front of an audience. It pushed me to be more adaptable and to ensure an articulate speaking style to communicate quickly and effectively. This piece is not my best work in terms of individual performance, but it is a strong example of my growth in collaborative communication.

HackThe6ix Hackathon

This hackathon project uses artificial intelligence to virtually try-on clothing garments from the comfort of your own home. The HackThe6ix hackathon brings together a talented community that drives innovation and collaboration in a limited timeframe and competitive environment to produce high-quality solutions. I selected the HackThe6ix Hackathon in my showcase to demonstrate communication-related work outside of the course and my ability to apply communication skills in a real-world, high-pressure environment. During the hackathon, I had to present my project to judges and other hackers, which required clear and persuasive communication. I applied persuasive communication to simplify complex technical information into a pitch that could be easily understood by both technical and non-technical judges. This piece pushed me out of my comfort zone to communicate in a short timeframe and respond to spontaneous questions which tested my ability to think quickly and communicate effectively. While I believe this is the best work I have produced for a hackathon, I believe there is always room for improvement in terms of polishing our presentation and communicating pitches to judges more effectively.


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